What If Just A Few Minutes Each Day Could Transform Your Life?

My Core Values

If you are curious what I am all about, and if my message is for you, taking the few moments to read this page will make it crystal clear, either way.


In many ways, Happii Human is the pursuit of higher values in our personal lives. That is not its full scope, but it is a key part of it.

That said, throughout the years we will be disecting popularized key values that we frequently hear discussed such as Integrity, Persistence, Humility, etc.

However, it is my opinion that many of these frequently-glamorized values like Honesty, Service, Passion and the like, should not be an organization's claim to fame. These are the basic barriers to entry.

These are very powerful values, no doubt. Incredibly powerful, actually.

Frankly, a basic fundamental value system should be a complete assumption for ANY organization.

That said, I wanted to outline some of the key UNIQUE values that Happii Human is driven by.

These are values that I also personally live by, will forever be the driving force of Happii Human, and I hope you find of personal value in your own life as well.. 


I know that you are more intelligent than I am in a multitude of ways. And because of that, I will always talk to you from a place of genuine respect. 

I didn't always understand this to be honest.

I will start by defining "Intelligence". As I see it, 

Intelligence is the ability to move through the resistance of life, utilizing our abilities, to successfully move our lives in an intended direction.

I've had the privilege of having tens of thousands of conversations in my lifetime so far, as I have always worked in some sort of people-centered role. In that time, I have never spoken to a human being who was not more intelligent than me in AT LEAST one way, if not more ways than I could count (a list that typically grows based on the length of our conversation).  

Every single human-being...no exceptions...is brilliant in their own way.

I know that's going to divide some people right from the start. But when you see this, you can't un-see it. As humans, we have amazingly complex lives, and our capacity to make sense of it all, each on an individual level, is fascinating.

Society places a high emphasis on IQ and related-intelligences. We are seeing more and more focus on Emotional Intelligence as of late, and even Social Intelligence is entering mainstream conversation.

I would challenge you to see that there are many more types of intelligence than these..

Every human character asset, is actually a working form of intelligence.

Humility is a type of intelligence. Open-mindedness is a very profound type of intelligence. Empathy is arguably the most important intelligence of all. Some people have an absolute gift of being happy regardless of outside circumstances. Communication. Navigation. Leadership. Intuition. Imagination. Generosity. The connecting together of seemingly-unrelated information. Parental intelligence. Creative Intelligence.

The list is endless. 


Not your typical, head in the clouds kind of Positive Mental Attitude, Ra-Ra-Ra nonsense. Inspiration is wonderful. It truly is. But it has a very short half-life. We are after REAL CHANGE here.

Real Change is built on a Foundation of Truth.

I believe strongly in the power of a PRACTICAL positive outlook. Follow the logic here...

Our experience of life (whether we are happy or sad) is primarily a game of neurochemistry (brain chemicals). Our neurochemistry is heavily determined by our perspective, which is What We Focus On AND The Meaning We Give Them...

Within all experiences of life there is the potential for growth. And as humans, we are hardwired to have positive emotional responses to growth, even in painful times. It is therefore vital for our happiness, that we maintain a positive outlook and move into growth, not away from it. 

As humans, we need compelling futures. And growth mindset literally equates to happiness.

However, it is crucial to take note that there is a danger in the naive type of positivity that refuses to acknowledge the negativity of events as they are actually happening. This can often lead to enabling, escapism, and diminished self-worth.

Pragmatic Positivity does NOT say: "Everything is just great!!" IT SAYS "NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS...NO MATTER WHAT LIFE THROWS AT ME...I WILL BE GREAT. And I will be Greater Tomorrow Than I Am Today."

Ever heard the expression, "Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining"? I love that phrase. And I will never do that here. Most things in life are a matter of perspective. And almost all things in life can lead to some sort of positive outcome, even amid other simultaneous negative outcomes.

That said, some things in this world are simply unacceptable to tolerate in a passive state. If you are experiencing genuine abuse for instance, or suffering from addiction, or consistently have more bills than money to pay them, these are not positive conditions.

A pragmatic positive outlook is Three-Fold...

  • ONE: It acknowledges that life is fundamentally full of an abundance of positive possibilities. In fact LIFE = POSSIBILITY.
  • TWO: It is a deep awareness that in negative conditions, we have the power to not only endure but to actually EVOLVE through them. 
  • THREE: It applies Higher Perspective to see the good that comes embedded as a seed within all bad fruit.

A healthy positive outlook includes a positive view on ourselves and a positive MOTION to improve the world around us. This is why I say "Pragmatic Positivity". We have limitless potential, and it is helpful to allow our heads to transcend into the heavens to realize this. But we must return to the ground to live this life.

To truly experience a positive state, we need to take Practical Positive Actions. 


To improve our lives and the world around us, we must take radical personal responsibility. In my own past, I'm sad to say I resisted this for a season. And my life suffered accordingly.

Trust me, I know life can be a real struggle at times. It can also be beautiful. This is the game you are in, like it or not. Delusion will not serve you. You can actually befriend struggle but that is a topic for another day.

Life is not fair. There is no need giving it a second thought. That is simply reality.

If you have the ability to consume this content, then the unfairness of life has actually tipped in your favor in some regards.

In other ways, I am sure you have been dealt a poor hand. It is not my place to minimize anyone's personal struggles. Quite the opposite, actually. I am on a mission to convince you that you are bigger than whatever struggles you face.

But we must take radical ownership of literally EVERYTHING that is a part of our life.

Ownership and responsibility do not equal blame. Blame is a useless debate.

There is no sense in worrying about who is to blame for a situation. There is no sense in going mad over why certain things have happened in your life that were beyond your control.

Learn what you can from EVERY situation in your life. If you had any part whatsoever in creating undesired events, take note and learn. And recognize at a very deep level, that regardless who is to blame, why something happened, or focusing on ANYTHING else...

If something is a part of your life that is not what you want for your life, it is 100% your responsibility to change it. Period. No one is coming to save you. Save yourself.

When you take this type of radical ownership, power immediately flows into you. It is impossible to be victimized by life when you refuse to sit in the passenger seat.

And guess what?...simply adopting this mindset will literally improve your baseline of happiness immediately.

External circumstances don't actually have to change before life feels better. Only internal circumstances do.

You are a badass. Act accordingly.


Most of us, as we progress through life, accumulate various types of baggage.

Shame & guilt from our own past mistakes take their tolls on our self-worth. Sometimes this act as the wrecking balls that tear down our internal support systems. At other times, they act as the bricks in the walls we use to defends our own behavior and justify the way we see the world. Oftentimes, both.

Shame and guilt are both destructive & creative forces, but their end results always lead to disharmony, both within ourselves and outside in the world we inhabit.

Over time, most all of us accumulate resentment towards others and how life and the people in it have treated us throughout the years.

Resentment is essentially just guilt projected onto others.

It operates with similar dynamics acting as both a negative force to create lower experiences in our life while simultaneously diminishing and destroying our capacity for positive experiences.

To further compound the issues, humans have a way of becoming de-sensitized to life. Some of this is simply due to repeated exposure. Some of this is due to psychological walls. But as we “go through the motions” of life, oftentimes it loses it sense of wonder.

It’s sad, really.

This is potentially the most wondrous time in history to be alive. Human potential has never seen less limitation for most of us.

What is the solution to these problems? It’s actually love. Love for ourselves. Love for others. Love for life itself.

Perhaps that sounds like weakness or an overly-simplified response. I used to think so. It is more powerful than words can convey.

I would encourage you to remember, that in your mistakes, you were actually trying the best you knew how to at the time, to protect your happiness and overcome whatever suffering life had dealt you. Oftentimes our efforts are misguided in these areas, but...

...if you actually feel any guilt at all for your mistakes…congratulations. You are not broken or a “bad” person. You were simply misguided. Forgive yourself.

Apply this same understanding to others and see that most people are fundamentally good in nature. Being human is just incredibly complex and at times we all fall short, and in doing so, sometimes we hurt others. We have all been on both sides of that equation.

When we fall in love with ourselves again, and also with the people in this world, love for life tends to be a natural byproduct.

A sense of childlike wonder returns, though also coupled with the wisdom of experience.

To further this, get a new hobby. Try a new form of expression. Change something in your day-to-day to remind yourself that life is truly full of possibility and you get to choose your destiny.

Now a side note on love: I would never encourage the foolishness of loving bad behavior. This world does have its horrors.

I simply encourage you to never hate the person. Hate the behavior. Love the person.

You don’t have to like them. But loving them (as in wishing them to find peace and become their best self) is much more powerful than hating them. Hating others only hurts you.

The Buddhists have a saying…

“Hating another is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

Choose love.


It is only through authenticity that we find not only our purpose in life, but also the happiness that has been inside us all along.

By Authentic Expression, I mean 2 different things...

1) Finding Your Personal Unique Gifts & Sharing Them With The World

We all have a uniqueness to us that specifically & individually makes us truly fascinating. We all have gifts that would benefit the world around us if we harnessed them fully.

There are no exceptions to that.

You've got a magic in you and I hope to help you either find it (if it has evaded you thus far) or to take it to deeper & deeper levels, if you are already on the path.

To know what makes you uniquely-gifted takes self-awareness, which I will discuss a lot here. And sharing it, takes courage, which I certainly hope you find here as well.

Do not squander your gifts. Do not die with your song still in your heart.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." -Marianne Williamson

2) True Happiness Is Not Smiles 24/7

Once upon a time, I was a master at "faking it till I made it".

Sometimes advice that seems good, no longer is good when taken too far.

See, the thing is, "fake it till you make it" only works deeply if you also have outlets to express your authentic self. That is the half that is rarely discussed.

Life is full of a spectrum of emotions, and it is actually ok to feel sadness, frustration, disappointment, and others at times. That is totally valid.

How we choose to handle those emotions matters critically, but we absolutely must allow ourselves to experience the entire human experience. 

We live in a world of Highlight Reels, Filters, and a constant pressure to keep up with everyone else. This is nothing new, but the internet has absolutely turned embers into a fucking wildfire.

People are craving authentic connection. I encourage you to...

Start authentically connecting with yourself. Today.

Would you rather cultivate REAL & LASTING happiness?...OR just look like you have on social media?

Don't mishear me. I would love each and everyone of you to fall so much in love with your life that you are dancing in the fucking streets on a regular basis.

But that starts with acknowledging ALL parts of your humanity and authentically working to progress along lines that YOU HAVE CHOSEN are your desired path.

Can ya dig it?


If you've read this page, you should have a crystal clear idea whether or not my message is for you.

If it is, Welcome. I honestly look forward to getting to know you and hopefully seeing and hearing how your life unfolds. I'm here for you.

If I'm not for you, it's all good. I got nothing but love for ya and hope you live the absolute best life for yourself.

Love & Light,
