What If Just A Few Minutes Each Day Could Transform Your Life?

Why It Works

The SMARTER method of learning is a science-backed and evidence-based method of truly learning new information. Learning in this way that has the power to permanently improve our modes-of-being.

The Method works based on 2 primary principles, that are also backed by science & evidence-based.

The Principle of Spaced Repetition

Just as the silence between notes is a vital part of any song, so it is with self-development.


The time between active learning moments actually is part of the learning process. This is the "Spaced" part of Spaced Repitition.


The "Repitition" proves equally vital. We have all been exposed to information to find ourselves completely unable to recall it shortly thereafter. This is simply how our mental computers work.


Given we are after ACTIVE CHANGE and not simple recall, we absolutely must repeat information through several methods for it to fundamentally change how we operate in the world.

The Principle of Compound Interest

Often referred to as the 8th Wonder of the World in the realm of finance, this same principle works magic in the realm of self-actualization.


Every piece of our life affects every other piece (whether we can actually see those effects or not) so making small improvements on a regular basis...consistently over time...is the Secret Sauce to maximizing our potential.


Our personal growth will cease to feel linear. Consistent deposits into our Higher Selves will ultimately yield results that would have previously seemed completely out of reach.