What If Just A Few Minutes Each Day Could Transform Your Life?

My Philosophy

Applied Knowledge is Power. And it takes power to transform our lives and improve the world. There is no getting around that.

It is my belief that no one particular field of study has a monopoly on knowledge that has the power to transform our experience of life. Consequently, I have been an avid student of life across several domains for 20 years now.

If knowledge is effective at creating desired change, I use it. If it is not, I discard it.

Below are some of the main Areas Of Study, Influences, & Knowledge Pools that uniquely combine to form my approach to life, but it is by no means all inclusive.

I will forever remain a student and will never refer to myself as an expert in anything. Humility and open-mindedness are my code.

My goal is to create the most well-rounded resource available towards our personal pursuits of happiness.

Some knowledge in life is universal (like the effects of gravity), whether we like it or not. Some knowledge in life is very personal (as in what you may want from an ideal partner or your life's purpose). And some knowledge exists in between, a combination of both (like the ideal nutrition plan for you specifically).

Going further, some knowledge is inherently "good". But in many cases, the ethical implications of knowledge is up to the user. You may see a few influences below that you've had a bad experience with based on your life so far. 

I encourage you to remember that understanding life from multiple angles actually positions you to maximize your ability to make the most positive difference in the world, so long as your moral compass stays aligned.

For instance, knowing effective sales strategies is very useful is you are trying to "sell" your children on productive studies, or "sell" a friend that they have what it takes to pursue their passions. The same knowledge can be incredibly harmful if used to sell someone something that doesn't benefit them (remember the old snake oil salesman).

You have an inner "knower". Truth has a way of speaking directly to that.

If you find yourself passionately resisting anything I say, it actually means there is something there you have yet to discover or fully reconcile, otherwise the emotional response would be very subtle.

The mind is like a parachute. It is only useful if it is open.

  • Thought Leaders

  • Vedic Wisdom

  • BioHackers

  • Sales Strategies

  • The Seduction Arts

  • Buddhism

  • Physical Sciences

  • Recovery Principles

  • Neuroscience

  • Social Dynamics

  • Philosophy

  • Traditional Success Principles

  • My Life Experience

  • Various Spiritual Traditions

  • Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders

  • Health Experts

  • Esoteric Studies

  • And More