My No B.S. Policy

It is getting harder and harder to trust people. Not because people are "getting worse". In most ways, and all things considered, humanity is probably getting better, truthfully (though we still have plenty of room for growth).

There is just so much information bombarding our lives, it's incredibly difficult to know what to believe at times.

For that reason, I felt compelled to formalize a No Bullshit Policy which has evolved to extend beyond simply being authentic. 



Ever noticed how many online resources club you over the head with ad after ad after ad? I'm not a huge fan of reading a resource to have my screen bounce all over the place as it constantly makes room for an endless billboard-in-motion.

Now, these are often free resources and they have every right to do that.

But I won't do that. Adspace will be kept to a minimum here. Maintaining all the free content I put out is a massive time commitment and I still work full-time, so I would absolutely love & appreciate your support. But regardless, whether you listen in to the podcast or read online here, I respect your time and attention.

I will also never force you to read the same thought re-phrased in 12 different ways, a tactic that is used for sites to maximize their search engine optimization.

I hope you can appreciate that my refraining from these strategies does actually slow the growth of Happii Human and help me to spread the word.

Either way...once you are here, I want to build a relationship with you for life.


There are many resources online that begin their content strategy based on what products and services have the highest-paying affiliate commissions. It is not my intent to create a narrative that all resources are untrustworthy. Not at all. But unfortunately in business, good intentions do often become flexible as money enters the scene.

I will never, under any circumstances, change my opinion on anything for money. Not even slightly. My integrity is not for sale.

If I recommend something, I wholeheartedly believe in it. Period. 

Going further, sales that are time sensitive will in fact be time sensitive. They will expire. If an event has limited attendance, that will be a legitimate number.

No. Nonsense. Period.


This is literally in My Core Values and I mean this in the depth of my soul. You can read more here if you like, but in short, I have a deeply-rooted belief that every human being alive is not only intelligent, but more intelligent than others in their own, unique way.

I will always communicate with you as an equal.

My mission is to share my insights to help you realize how intelligent you actually are, and to maximize your potential.


Launching Happii Human has involved me learning more than I could have imagined. There is a lot that goes on behind-the-scenes.

Amongst the seemingly endless list of things I needed to sort out before launch, I was researching strategies for setting up my online store piece and came across a video of a store owner looking for help. They had still not managed to sell 1 item. It caught my attention and I went to their website.

I was disgusted. It was littered with fake product reviews. Apparently there are actually programs that sit on top of websites to publish fake customer testimonials. Their site also had a fake real-time visitor counter, apparently to display "social proof".

Now chances are, that was a new entrepreneur that was just scared of failure and looking foolish. Potentially. But regardless, I don't think you deserve success if you lead with lies.

In the same timeline, I received an email from a company that will remain nameless. They had a webinar that was "expiring soon". Guess what? It magically never expired. It was all marketing strategy to create urgency. It's a shame this nonsense actually works. But just like I did not realize there were legal ways to share fake customer reviews, other people don't realize that online countdown timers can just refresh themselves infinitely.

My No Bullshit Policy was born.

It was always an unofficial policy. But that is when I decided to take the time to pointedly say where I stand on B.S.

I respect you. I respect your Time. Your Intelligence. And your Trust & Attention.

Love & Light,

Rich (Founder of Happii Human)